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Romance in Marriage

The 7 Secrets of Happily Ever After

Help Your Wife Give You Domestic Support


Use positive reinforcement

Frequently express your sincere appreciation for the things that she does in this area. A woman needs appreciation and will be much happier giving you domestic support if she feels that you appreciate it.

Talk about it

Domestic support may mean something different to her than it does to you. Decide together which areas you want to focus on to make your home as pleasant as possible for you both. Help her know what she can do to make the biggest difference in your enjoyment of your home. Be realistic. If you both work outside the home, you have equal responsibility for keeping the house clean and comfortable. Find out which domestic chores you can do that will be most appreciated by her. Find an opportunity to discuss this subject lovingly and patiently with her.

Work with her

No woman wants to feel like a servant. An exhausted woman is not one who will be effective at meeting your needs. Show her that you really do care about her. Be diligent in your responsibilities at home then pitch in and help her with hers.

Make and keep a budget together

You and your mate need to both be involved in deciding where and how your money is spent so that both of you feel a sense of control and a sense of responsibility. This can help smooth some of the financial tension that every couple experiences.

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