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Romance in Marriage

The 7 Secrets of Happily Ever After

Meet Your Husband’s Need for Appreciation


First, read about the need for appreciation if you have not done so already.

A man needs to feel appreciated for the good things he does. If he doesn’t feel appreciated, he may stop doing those things. You, as his wife, are the one who can best meet his need to feel appreciated for most of the things he does. A man needs to feel appreciated for the paycheck he brings home. Every household has to make decisions about money and how it will be spent. These decisions can be stressful. Try to keep the stress separate from his ability as a provider, rather than blaming him for the difficulty.

Say it, and show it

Your feelings of appreciation for your husband may motivate you to do the grocery shopping, scrub the floors, and work long hours to help pay the bills. Although they are important expressions of appreciation, such mundane acts do not generally communicate appreciation to your man’s brain with sufficient force to fuel romantic love, perhaps because their motives can be variously interpreted (Maybe you just like the look of a freshly scrubbed floor.). Rather, appreciation for him must be clearly stated with frequent verbal communication (“I really appreciate you facing the dragons each day at work” or “Thanks for taking out the trash.”).

Men feel less of a need for little gifts or written expressions of appreciation than women do. They are more likely to understand and respond well to visual and physical affection as expressions of appreciation. Show him that you appreciate specific things he does by making yourself especially attractive or giving him some extra sexual attention.

One Response to “Meet Your Husband’s Need for Appreciation”

  1. Tierra says:

    This is good!! Saves me as a wife time in thinking up lil gifts or corney words when instead I can get physical and Show it!! I appreciate this article ;)! Thank you!

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