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Romance in Marriage

The 7 Secrets of Happily Ever After

A Wife’s Relationship Needs

__Do I treat her as I would want to be treated?
__Am I courteous?
__In my tone of voice, choice of words, and behavior, do I show her at least as much respect as I would a coworker, boss, or other important person?
__Do I interpret her words charitably when she says something that could be interpreted in either a positive or negative way?
__Do I use “smart talk” principles when we have a disagreement?
__Do I speak highly of her to others, and never belittle her?
__Do I avoid sharing private details of our relationship with others?
__Do I go only to her for my sensual and sexual desires?
__Do I involve her in important decisions, and always consider her feelings in decisions that affect her?
__Do I let her make her own decisions instead of trying to force my opinions on her?

__Do I express abundant and sincere gratitude for the many big and little things he does?
__Do I express gratitude verbally as well as in other ways?

__Do I converse with her pleasantly for at least 30 minutes a day?
__Do I really listen to her, and refrain from interrupting and finding fault in what she says?
__Do I keep eye contact when she talks to me?
__Do I cheerfully share my feelings with her?
__Do I talk about things she is interested in?
__Do we do things together that she enjoys?

__Do I take the time to be the father that my children need? Are my communications with them at least 80% positive?
__Do I refrain from undermining her spiritual goals or trying to lower her standards?
__Am I encouraging in her efforts to improve herself spiritually?
__Do we seek goodness and truth together?
__Do we pray together?
__Do I pray for her growth and happiness?

__Do I keep a budget together with her, and avoid overspending?
__Am I the breadwinner that she wants me to be?
__Do I do my share of the household chores, plus some?

__Do I make her my highest priority, above work, friends, and other pursuits?
__Do I care tenderly for her, and try to help her feel safe and loved?
__Do I refrain from offending or insulting her?
__Do I focus on the good in her despite her flaws?
__Am I cheerful with her, and avoid holding love hostage?
__Do I rejoice with her in her successes?
__Do I show her that I need her?
__Do I give her plenty of personal attention?
__Do I surprise her with service and gifts to show her how much I value her?
__Do I try to accommodate her desires instead of insisting on my way?
__Do I admire her physical beauty with words and looks?

__Do I give her sensuous affection in ways that he can understand and appreciate?
__Do I practice good hygiene?
__Do I keep myself physically fit and attractive?
__Do I make special attempts to please her?
__Do I tell her often and sincerely that I love her?
__Do I generally smile at her when our eyes meet and when we talk?
__Do I frequently put my arm around her or hold her hand?
__Do I give her at least one good hug daily?
__Do I give her massages or foot rubs?
__Do I kiss her frequently?

One Response to “A Wife’s Relationship Needs”

  1. This is fabulous!! The list can surely save many relationships and what is most important is that the lives can be so beautiful when all these little efforts are made.

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